Mission Team
The Mission Team serves as the congregation council and has the general oversight of the life and activities of the congregation to the end that everything be done in accordance with the Word of God and the faith and practice of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. The Mission Team promotes a climate of peace and goodwill, and leads the congregation in stating and implementing its mission, goals and priorities. The Mission Team is responsible of the financial and property matters of the congregation.
Advocacy and Outreach
Advocacy is part of our Christian calling. God calls us to speak out, to defend the rights of the poor and needy, to be a voice for the voiceless. The Advocacy ministry works to help change the policies that cause the injustice, oppression and heartache that plague our world, nation, and community. Through advocacy work, we impact systemic, long-lasting change. We seek to create opportunities to overcome poverty, promote peace and dignity, and defend God’s creation.
The congregation’s outreach ministry focuses on sharing the good news of Jesus Christ through evangelical outreach and through programs of social ministry. The team oversees our many outreach ministries and programs in the community.
Fellowship Ministry
The Fellowship Ministry brings together members and friends of all age groups and those with diverse interests to promote fellowship, community-building and personal connections. Fellowship activities include ministry meals, congregational picnics and social gatherings, and provide special interest groups for children, families, youth, adults and seniors. Program offerings might include youth ministry programs, gatherings of families with young children, retiree groups, book club, quilters, support groups, and similar community and fellowship events.
Mutual Ministry
Recognizing that the church’s ministry is the shared ministry of both the congregation membership and the pastor and staff, Mutual Ministry encourages all the people of God to discover ways to be involved in the congregation’s life and ministry. Mutual ministry facilitates the development and implementation of goals by both the various lay ministry teams and the pastor and staff, to promote long-term vision and short-term motivation.
Property and Maintenance Ministry
The Property and Maintenance ministry ensures that the property and facility maintenance is done on a regular basis by those equipped with the expertise to do so. The care and maintenance of the church gardens and yards including the regular mowing of the lawn is part of this ministry. Property and Maintenance works closely with any outside contractors of vendors secured for the specific work or projects at the church. This ministry makes sure that alarms and security systems are working and set properly.
Stewardship Ministry
The Stewardship Ministry challenges members and friends of the congregation to reimagine the ways in which we can identify and invest the resources that God bestows upon His people for the sake of God’s mission in the world. Traditionally, these resources are described as gifts of time, talent, and treasures. The stewardship ministry promotes a year-round focus on encouraging the use of our gifts for God’s work in our daily lives, in the community and world, as well as in the church. The goal is always to match gifts and desires with opportunities for service.
Technology Ministry
The Technology Ministry seeks best opportunities and means to integrate the rapid advances in technology into the life of the congregation as well as its outreach into the community. This technology is to be evaluated for appropriateness to enhance the worship life of the congregation, the administrative work of the church, and the congregation’s outreach into the community through social media. The congregation’s website and its platforms of social media such as Facebook are maintained, monitored, and updated.
Inviting and Welcoming Ministry
Using personal contact and social media, the Inviting and Welcoming Ministry guides the congregation in extending invitation to those in our community to participate in worship and in the life of this congregation. This ministry seeks to ensure that all who come to this church to experience God’s love and grace also feel fully welcomed.
Worship Ministry
Worship is the unifying and central event in the life of the congregation. The Holy Spirit gathers the people of God around Jesus Christ present in the Word of God and in the sacraments. The Worship ministry ensures that worship services are conducted regularly and in accordance with Lutheran tradition and teaching. Using a variety of styles of worship, liturgies, and music, we seek to inspire and enhance the spiritual experience of all worshipers. The same Spirit then sends us into the world to be about the mission of God.