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Call Committee

March 19th, 2024

We have compiled the data from the survey and are putting it in the format required by the synod.  Our goal is to have it submitted during the month of April so that the Office of the Bishop can start their discernment process to determine the best candidates to be placed upon the call list of our congregation.

Jan 29th, 2024

Many thanks to everyone for your participation in the survey.  We are compiling the data that was gathered and are starting to use it to fill out the forms that are required by the Florida-Bahamas Synod to start the search process.

Dec 7th, 2023

The survey is now live!  If you haven’t already, please take a few minutes to let us know what kind of pastor you want for All Saints by going here.  Your feedback is wanted, needed, and appreciated.

Dec 4th, 2023

The survey has been completed, and we are preparing to share it with the congregation.  Stay tuned!

Nov 27th, 2023

We are working to finalize the survey, seeking feedback from leadership.

Nov 20th, 2023

We are continuing to work on the survey.

Nov 13th, 2023

Today we met with Nicole Eastwood on a zoom meeting and discussed the survey that we have prepared.  She provided some excellent feedback, and we will use that to finish up the survey in the next couple of weeks.

Oct 30th, 2023

Today we discussed our survey questions at length, and started preparing the finalized version of the survey to present for review.  We will continue working on the survey on Nov 13th during a zoom meeting with Nicole Eastwood.

Oct 23rd, 2023

Today we started discussing ideas and questions for the new survey.

Oct 16th, 2023

Today we began our work by choosing a chairperson and assigning some specific roles to individuals in the committee.

  • Chair: Roger Lehrer
  • Chaplain: Steven Helm
  • Communicator: Sandra Odle
  • Computer: Mark Ott
  • Secretary: Denise Boettcher 

We also spent time reviewing and discussing some of the many documents provided to us by the Florida-Bahamas Synod (which can be found here.)

Our first major task is going to be to create a survey that will help us share with the synod the type of pastor that will best serve our congregation.

Oct 11th, 2023

This evening we met with Connie Schmucker and Nicole Eastwood from the Florida-Bahamas Synod, who explained to us the responsibilities of the call committee and provided us a wealth of documentation to help us complete our task.  We look forward to continuing working with Nicole in the months ahead.

Oct 1st, 2023

This Sunday the following members of All Saints were installed as our new call committee

  • Denise Boettcher
  • Kathy Miller
  • Mark Ott
  • Michael Wing
  • Sandra Odle
  • Steven Helm
  • Trudy Heselton
  • Roger Lehrer